Hi! My name is Emma. I am a 22 year old college student with a major in Criminal Justice. I am currently a senior at SFSU.
The American college system is a four year program for students to obtain a bachelor’s degree. There are no levels in the American college system like there are in the Dutch school system, but some schools are perceived as more prestigious.
I chose to go to San Francisco State because it has a good program for my major and I wanted to experience living in a big city.
For my specific major there are required courses I need to take in order to graduate and elective courses I get to choose from that are more specific to my study.
I take around 12 to 15 units each semester, the course load depends on the class you’re taking. Most classes are worth 3 credits. So I take at least 4 classes. If you take a higher credit class, 4 credits, there’s a lot more course work.
My favorite course so far was crime and data analysis, as it allowed me to learn more about how crimes are being solved and the analytical side of it.
American College life is different at every school. Some schools have a big Greek Life, which means there are a lot of sororities and fraternities that throw parties. Other schools have more of a college life in terms of college bars in the cities, students go to. At San Francisco State especially there isn't too much Greek Life as it’s more of a commuter school, but if you go into the city it’s a lot more fun. There are a few college bars that are pretty popular. Still we have dorm parties and frat parties.
I would say actual college life in the US isn’t very similar to the movies you’ve seen about American college life. It highly depends on the school you study at but at San Francisco State there isn’t big Greek life, as you might see in the movies.
Some of the options you have after you graduate could be looking for a job or going on to get your masters degree.
A tip I would give for any Dutch students who would like to study in the US would be to be completely open with your experience, and say yes to things you normally wouldn’t. You never know when you’ll be back so try to experience as many new things as you can.